The Association of Owners of Kukui Plaza's membership is made up of individual owners of the residential apartments, commercial space units, and parking stalls located in the five-story parking garage. The owners meet once each year at the Annual Meeting and elect a prescribed number of their members to represent them by serving on the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors, by state law and the Association's Bylaws, is vested with the authority and duty to maintain the property and common elements and to manage the operations of the Association. At Kukui Plaza, the Board of Directors act as a policy-setting body. Being elected to the Board does not mean that a director can do anything the director wants. Action by the Board, and by individual directors, must be authorized by the state's condominium law, the Declaration, the Bylaws, and the House Rules. This requirement for authority protects the rights and interests of the membership.
Kukui Plaza's Board of Directors consists of nine members that serve staggered two-year terms. If you should have any questions for our Directors feel free to contact them by email if the link is provided below.

President- Mavis Masaki

Vice President- Wendie McAllaster

Treasurer- Jean Toyama

Assistant Treasurer - Sheri Sunabe

Secretary- Fran Takemoto

Assistant Secretary- Doug Pyle

Director-At-Large - Kevin Lye
Commercial Director- Gina Inouye
City & County, Lower Level Parking- Elva Gamiao
Election of the Lower Level Parking Director is limited to the City & County of Honolulu. Rae Gee currently serves as Lower Level Parking Director.